Wednesday, May 18, 2011

" Drive for Show , Putt for Dough": Retreat 2011

Marcela and Ms Scott are strategically planning on how to make the putts in this small area. 
 Marcela  decided to make the first putt of the night with Deatrice, Dr Marilyn, Conni,and Missy looking and waiting for their time to putt.
Dr Marilyn decided to make the next putt.  Frandora decided to distract the golfers with some music, while, Deatrice, Marcela, Ms Scott, Conni and Missy discuss whose up next.
 Ms Scott (Coach) decides she is ready to show us how to make the putt.  Missy is snacking while Frandora (Rules Official) and Ms Scott discuss parameters of  her putt before she starts.
 Would you look at this putt.... Ms Scott we need to back you up to the door to make it more challenging for you.  Dr Marilyn and Marcela already made their putts.... this may have been too easy for this group of ladies.
 Coran James (Brooklyn) and  Doris Winston (New Jersey) are gearing up to join the putting competition. Frandora and Conni are checking for new text messages (focus).
Ms Scott is taking a snack break before she continues in the putting fun and games....Give her a minute!

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