Wednesday, May 18, 2011

" Putting "; Retreat 2011

Somebody called a rules official (Frandora) ?
 Ms Scott we will make it hard for you to make the putt. Let's see you make the putt through Frandora's, Marcela and Dr Marilyn's legs.
 Here's the real camera view of the putt!....Legs, carpet and all!
Look at our cheerleaders Missy and Denise (Ms Chicago)..... I guess Scott made the putt.
 Ms Scott, you go girl....Doris, Marcela, Frandora and Dr Marilyn couldn't believe you made that putt...WOW!
Weekend roommates, Deatrice and Conni, still on the sideline....are you ladies going to putt today ?
 Doris  (New Jersey) has decided to make the difficult can do is really nothing to it!
Missy is ready to make the putt....this is serious....she is focused!

"Putt for Dough" continued Retreat 2011

 Doris (New Jersey) is ready to putt as Missy and Conni give her support.
Deatrice and Conni are considering  putting... or Not!  These weekend roommates can't decide on "to putt or not to putt!
Ms Scott  is up putting again, while Dr Marlyn takes a snack break before continuing. 
Hey, Ms Scott watch the legs on that desk!

Let's see if Ms Scott can make the putt through Frandora's "little legs" !

" Drive for Show , Putt for Dough": Retreat 2011

Marcela and Ms Scott are strategically planning on how to make the putts in this small area. 
 Marcela  decided to make the first putt of the night with Deatrice, Dr Marilyn, Conni,and Missy looking and waiting for their time to putt.
Dr Marilyn decided to make the next putt.  Frandora decided to distract the golfers with some music, while, Deatrice, Marcela, Ms Scott, Conni and Missy discuss whose up next.
 Ms Scott (Coach) decides she is ready to show us how to make the putt.  Missy is snacking while Frandora (Rules Official) and Ms Scott discuss parameters of  her putt before she starts.
 Would you look at this putt.... Ms Scott we need to back you up to the door to make it more challenging for you.  Dr Marilyn and Marcela already made their putts.... this may have been too easy for this group of ladies.
 Coran James (Brooklyn) and  Doris Winston (New Jersey) are gearing up to join the putting competition. Frandora and Conni are checking for new text messages (focus).
Ms Scott is taking a snack break before she continues in the putting fun and games....Give her a minute!

Retreat 2011 @ Chateau Elan

Ms Missy checking in and gearing up for a fun weekend.
 Missy, Frandora, Ms  Scott and Deatrice are joking around before the weekend events begin. The Monet room was the Black Jewels starting location.
Frandora and Ms Scott are discussing her upcoming golf clinic scheduled for Saturday afternoon.

Ms Scott, Deatrice, Conni and Missy are enjoying their time together before the weekend kicks off later on with the Soiree's.
Conni, Marcela, Doris, Missy Denise, Frandora, & Dr Marilyn

Retreat 2011 @ Chateau Elan

 Elora (Ms Welcome Committee Chairperson) &Ms Z are preparing for the arrival of our guest for the weekend festivities.
 The Black Jewels are having registration in the "Monet" room.
 The Black Jewels have even bottle their own Spumante for the weekend....hats and gift bags were also given to all attendees.
 Frandora checking in with the Welcome committee.
Doris Winston  form New Jersey has arrived and she is checking in to receive her weekend literary, and gift bag.
 Doris and Frandora are chatting about Black Jewels in Atlanta & New Jersey.
Ms Scott, Dr Marilyn and Marcela are giving and receiving sisterly love.

Denise Turner (Ms Chicago) has arrived and she is checking in for the weekend events.